“Truman” by David McCullough, Simon & Schuster, 1992

“Truman” by David McCullough, Simon & Schuster, 1992


President Harry S. Truman was probably one of the most consequential presidents in U.S. history. His term started in April 1945 when then president Franklin D. Roosevelt passed away unexpectedly. He then ran and won for his own term 1948-1952. During his six years in the office, he directed, participated in, or experienced such historical events as the use of atomic bomb, the creation of the United Nations, the recognition of Israel, the Berlin Airlift and the Marshall Plan, Churchill’s speech in Truman’s hometown as the precursor of the cold war, the creation of NATO, withdrawing from mainland China in 1949, and committing troops to the Korea War while limiting the scale of the war. Domestically, he was the first president to recommend Medicare, he even proposed “medicare for all” while in office. It was during his presidency that the The Defence Production Act was passed and used, first as a direct response to the start of Korean War.

Truman was surrounded by some of the ablest colleagues, including Dean Acheson and George Marshall among many others. These colleagues helped him succeed. This is in part due to his ability to recognize and employ people who possess high quality. Truman knows history well. He often referred to history as guidance in his daily life. Quoting from the book, “Ambitious by nature, he was never torn by ambition, never tried to appear as something he was not. He stood for common sense, common decency. He spoke the common tongue. As much as any president since Lincoln, he brought to the highest office the language and values of the common American people.”

The book also spent a considerable amount of time to describe Truman’s family life, showing his affectionate relations with his wife, his daughter, and his other family members, many of whom were in or near his hometown in Missouri. He is a common man, like any other American.

《杜鲁门》大卫·麦卡洛(David McCullough)著,《西蒙与舒斯特》(Simon&Schuster)出版,1992年










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