在商场做营业员 [Working as a sales clerk in city’s department store]







Working as a sales clerk in city’s department store

I wasn’t at the age for getting a job when graduating from high school. I had to wait for the next year. Those years, the government was in charge of everything, including assigning jobs to everyone, certainly including high school graduates. As such, I had no choice, but waiting for the next year. But when 1975 came, there were still no jobs. My high school (it could be arranged by the city government, I can’t remember) sent us to work in various places in the city as a temporary measure. I was inserted into a Class’75 class (similar to the idea of “home room” in the U.S.). The entire class of 50 or so students were sent to the city’s biggest department store to work as sales clerks in various sections. We received 5 RMB per month as a complementary.

The department store was a big one by then standard. It had two story of sales area. There were many departments, such as clock and watch, radios and components, electrical, fabric, hats and shoes, etc. Each department was further divided into sections. For example, the clothing department has sections of coats, pants, underwears. Usually these sections have their own counters for both display and storage so the customers can see items through. I was assigned to the section for selling shirts. We had four regular clerks. All four were very experienced. The store opened everyday, probably 12 hours a day (8 am to 8 pm). So we’d work in different shifts. Of course, we’d have lunch breaks or supper breaks.

At the beginning, I knew nothing about the business, just following what the seniors do. They were very patient and nice. Shirts have two key measures, the size of the collar and the length of the sleeves. My seniors were experienced. They can decide the size of the shirts by just a glancing at the customer. When in doubt, they might use a tape measure to actually get the proper size. I watched what they did. After a while, I was able to get the proper shirts for my customers as well. Sometimes the sales were not busy, we just sat and chatted about everything and anything. It was a very good learning experience, as many of the things you’d never learn in schools.

When the spring came, I was transferred to the fabric department. Selling fabric requires a different set of techniques. First, you’d be able to estimate the amount of fabric needed to make certain types of clothing. This is based on the individual body shape and size, as well as the type of fabric. Second, you’d be able to cut the fabric properly. Experienced seniors can just measure the fabric and make a mark. They can then fold the fabric and cut it through the side along the folding line. For inexperienced folks like myself, I usually had to draw the entire line across the section of the fabric, then cut along the line to avoid moving the scissors sideways. It is a bit easier to cut the fabric that are thick. Thin fabric was more difficult to cut.

In stores of this size, money and the sale tickets were separated. The customer would choose what they’d buy from the counters. We (the sales clerks) would write a sales ticket indicating what was bought and how much it costed. The customer would then take the ticket to a near-by casher register and pay the money (all cash those days). The cashier would stamp on the ticket. The customer would come back to us with the stamped ticket to exchange the merchandize.

We worked there for two semesters, fall and spring. Time passed quickly. I learned a great deal in the department store as much was new to me and everyone in my class. I made some new friends, regular store clerks and the students in that special class and its “home room” teacher. Those students never took the same classes as I did. But I made good friends with them during that year. It is a bit unfortunate that I lost contacts with them all.






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