自行车![The bike that helped me!]


永久17型自行车 — 图片来自网络 http://zhuanzhuan.58.com/



河上的人行桥 — 图片来自网络 http://www.meipian.cn/2ne1duth





The bike that helped me!

I lived in grandma’s house, but I didn’t want to transfer school. From 5th grade in elementary to the graduation of high school, I attended the schools at our original home, which was about 25-30 minutes walk away from grandma’s house. About the time towards the end of 1st year or the beginning of 2nd year in junior high, my parents bought me a bike. This was a “Forever” brand, Model 17. (See a similar one below in the picture.) It was a shorter bike (in length), probably designed for youth. Bikes then were expensive item in people’s live. A typical bike costed about 150 RMB. To put things in perspective, my monthly salary was 14 RMB when I started in a factory as a 1st-year apprentice. The second year would be 16 RMB per month, the third year 19 RMB. The monthly salary for a common factory work after completing the apprentice was 35 RMB as a Class 2 worker. Though expensive, for easy commute to school, my parents bought the bike for me so I could ride to school with less time. This was the only bike we had.

Forever Model 17 Bike, image from the internet http://zhuanzhuan.58.com/

With bike, came many conveniences. I could do many things that would have been very difficult without it, in addition to commute to the school.

My mom lived in a re-education farm camp with my younger brother for a while. I often visited them riding my bike. The camp was probably 10 miles away from grandma’s home in the countryside. I’d ride on a motorway for a while, sharing traffic with all other motor vehicles and bikes. The road was in a decent condition. Then I had to across a big river, the well-known man-made canal. There was no motor way across the river. We had to pass a big, high pedestrian bridge that had many steps, similar to the one in the picture below. People had to put their bike on their shoulder to go over the bridge.

Pedestrian bridge — image from the internet http://www.meipian.cn/2ne1duth

There was no motor way once cross the bridge, all roads were muddy walkways in a typical countryside at the time. It was difficult to bike. The farm camp was reconstructed from an old lake after draining the lake (I believe). The road, the residence houses, the farming fields were the bottom of the lake (it must have been a very shallow lake.) The soil was very fine, with very little other random objects. The road conditions were challenging. Someone called these roads “a sticky cake when raining; a knife when drying.” The road after raining was very slippery, one would have to walk with bare foot (the shoes would be stuck to the mud). After the sunshine, the dry road would leave various shapes of foot prints, some would be actually sharp and would feel hurt if one steps on them. I usually went on sunny days because biking on these roads in a raining day was just not possible. I would have lunch with mom and my brother in their cafeteria. We’d chat a bit afterwards. I’d then come home. It was often a day trip.

The bike also helped me with many other activities in and outside school. We had a basketball team in my 2nd year in high school. We had about a dozen students with a young high school teacher as our coach and leader. We’d practice and go out playing competitive games with others. We’d go to other high schools, business, factories, sometimes even in other towns. The bike helped me in many of these activities. We’d ride our bikes to these games. Fellow students who didn’t have a bike would ride on the (tiny) back seat of the bike. We traveled to may difference places in the city, and some places outside of the city. We enjoyed our time together very much as a group. One time we went for a game in a different town which was the county seat. We had a game with the county high school team. It was pretty far away. The bike ride would take more than an hour. We had about 20-30 people, some riding on the back seat of others. We even had a few high speed chases on the roadway. Because this was a public transportation road, bikes and motor vehicles shared the road. Sometimes we had to ride in a single file to avoid traffic, similar to the bike racing you’d see in Olympics. It was a lot of fun.

We often rode bikes to our classmates houses after school to play, some times pokes, some times other games.

The bike also took me to many places after high school. I worked in a department store as a sales clerk, in a factory for a few months, in another factory as a formal apprentice for a year. I rode my bike to all these places daily. The two factories that I worked in had commute buses. I could ride the bus to and from the factory, like many others did. But it was less convenient. You’d have to walk to the designated bus station and follow the bus schedule. One advantage of riding the commute bus was that you could chat with your fellow workers. The department store I worked for didn’t have a commute bus. Without bike, I’d have to walk to the work. I will write about these experiences separately.





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